I’ve rounded up some more Transatlantic Actual Play for my Fiasco playset. Below is a link to a game at Gencon in 2011 that just found itself to me.
Some observations, now that I’ve seen it unfold a few times…
My goals with the playset was to create a scenario that was gender neutral, period, and with enough backdoors to not trap players tightly in that framework. I used a lot of specific language to invoke the 30s. And although the color of that vernacular helps to promote setting; players often trip over it. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. It hasn’t hurt play by reinforcing genre but I probably could have done a better job with it rather than swinging my purple prose all over the printed word. Let’s have at it then:
Fiasco at Gencon 2011, with Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze, Ross Payton and another at RPPR:
Here’s some Youtube AP of Transatlantic. They don’t exactly get the Fiasco rules right but it doesn’t stop them from enjoying it one bit:
Lastly, Analog Game Studies (Felan Parker) writes up a really well thought paper on Fiasco. They mention Transatlantic as a sample playset.
It’s incredibly satisfying to see and hear other people enjoy something that you’ve sent out there into the world. Thanks. Play on!