The second session of my gm-full rpg experiment RPG Roulette went off yesterday without a hitch. We ran at full capacity with a waiting list for two game slots. Steve Melis ran an experimental hack ‘Advanced Paranoia and Dragons’ in the morning slot; Jeff Goad ran the new DCC module ‘Gnole House’; and as that wrapped up quickly with a tpk, Dave Tee offered a cooperative scifi tv themed game ‘Hearts Blazing’. In all, it took us to about 8 hours of gaming. Also in attendance, Laurence Koret for the first two games.
Mr. Goad arrived late due to kitten issues but he more than makes up for it by not only being extremely genial but also for name-checking us and the event on his podcast ‘Spellburn, Episode 54‘ (7m15s), where somewhat coincidentally he co-hosts with one of my oldest friends, Julian Bernick.
The format continues to do what I want it to do: engage players with a place to promote running games, engage players with the idea of playing games not playing systems, and lastly creating an environment that promotes risk taking in mechanics, themes and experience.