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[Meat] mechanics: engine

By September 2, 2009Game Chef 2009

Fast, little tiger, fast fast fast! the goal is to build a machine that pushes action quickly and doesn’t bog down in minutiae: FATE was offered up by friends (and i have enjoyed it) but Spirit already does so much right that there’s isn’t good reason to retread that ground. Danger Patrol is fast and also pulpy, but my playtest of it got a bit boggy. Both do what they do well but I want those examples to be outliers.

While visiting relatives over the Summer, I was introduced to a simple dice game called Pig which is a six-sided die game with optional exploding rolls to a fixed point. Rollings 1s invalidated your score but you could bank the amount of your roll/s at any point prior to rolling 1s. Simple game, easy. Played very fun and encouraged high-rolling.

“Played very fun and encouraged high-rolling” is the takeaway i want for Meat.

Presently, it’s set for a built in DR for the super hero characters which i may set at or below the 7 average for 2d6. There will be a scale of DR for regular people to, say, World Eaters.

Because of the physical combat, it will be easy to account for hits and misses. Misses may go into narrative damage to the surroundings.

Concerns that i’m not sure about are: Energy attacks; Magic; Ranged. If physical attacks are hits until you fail on 1. Then does a separate roll have to be made for non physical? I’d like to keep this to as close to a single roll resolution as possible.

I may offer doubles as being able to inflict conditions on your opponent. Except double ones which would, i guess, be inflicting a condition on yourself in that failure.

That’s where i’m at tonight. Would love to hear feedback on that.