The Trans American Bike Race (TABR) launched on Saturday morning, June 4th. From Oregon to Virginia, the Trans Am is the hardest unsupported road race in the US. At 4400 miles, it’s twice as long as the Tour de France.
Day 6: Another uphill day begins on the outskirts of Yellowstone park, with a lot of climbing overnight and still to come. Steffan Streich in the lead with a familiar spread across the rest of the top 5. In a very temperate 70 degree day, we should in theory see Streich extend his lead over his closest rivals, with his average moving rate about 25% faster than Sarah Hammond. As we hit mid-afternoon and Steffan slipped through Grand Teton park and deeper into Wyoming. Currently holding a 45mi advantage on Hammond, a distance that should go out after this massive climb is finished and the darkness comes on.
The battle for third place remained gridlocked between Lael Wilcox, Kai Edel and Evan Deutsch, often riding within 1.5 miles of each other. As the afternoon wore on Evan took the lead. The trio ride about 70 miles behind Sarah Hammond. As the evening comes in, there is less than .7 mile difference between these three with the leaderboard changing frequently depending on when trackers get refreshed. The rest of the Top 10 is being fought by a group of seven riders, lead by Bo Dudley who trails the Third Place pack by 100 miles, closing on the top 3 by 20 miles over the day. Happy to see returning veteran Brian McEntire climbing through that pack.
Really the day was about the Tour de Fancourt. Missing rider Lee Fancourt, holed up halfway up Lolo Pass, MT. Lee’s partner has contacted the Sheriff’s department who made one pass looking for him to no avail and a promise to revisit his last known location at first light. About midday, Lee’s tracker started updating after a 36 hour hiatus. First rapidly back down the course to a known service point and then slowly and methodically back up Lolo Pass. Lee had been suffering from the heat with dehydration and gastro/reflux issues in addition to a bunch of on-bike problems due to a new dynamo fitted before the race. Someone on Twitter pointed out that he has a Plug 3 attached to his Son28 hub which doesn’t charge devices below 25kph, which… is not so good on an exceptionally hilly start. Finally back into cell service, Lee sent us all a little video outlining his horrible ordeal, “Hello Everybody, I”m still alive.”
Despite some good photos posted today from Nathan Jones and Olaf Sorenson, the current points leader for the coveted Audobon Jersey goes to westbound rider Jason Marshall who is burning up Twitter with consistently beautiful pics of his trip.
FEEL GOOD: Amy Williams is on her way to Colorado to rejoin the race with a new steed!
BONUS: The Sarah fan page has released the second installment of TransHam broadcast, hosted by Jesse Carlsson (dressed in what can only be described as Aussie bondage headgear). Great stuff.
For additional information about the Trans Am race visit them at: Trans Am site

copyright Jason Marshall

copyright Jason Marshall
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