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Autumn Arrives at the Meer

By Sketches
I was fortunate to make it to the Meer twice this last week.  Once, en route to dinner downtown and with limited materials.  And the second time, yesterday for the end of Summer and the birth of Autumn.   With a couple of black pens and no water brush, I…
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A Year in the Woods*

By Sketches
It's been about a year now that I've actively been pursuing plein air studies.  To very good returns.  I manage 2-4 drawings per session.  Each drawing is between 30-40mins.  I have a cadre of tools that are familiar but all fawlty (it never ends).  I have locations that I like…
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Meer early August, 13.08.07

By Sketches
Welcome to the throes of early August.  The weather has been incredible for the past week or so. Hot off the marvels of the JS Sargent exhibition, there is a sense of openness and tactile bravado in the sketches. The first two are from a week ago.  At top, the…
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Return to the Meer

By Sketches
I've been quiet for a few months because I've been getting up to speed on a new job.  A few months of homework are now abating and I've returned, like The Spring, to Central park.  There have been three days of sketching in the last two weeks.  Plus the grip…
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