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Merry Cary, 2019

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I celebrate the onset of the holidays every year at the beginning of December (thought of doing a countdown to xmas this year and got called out on it. So we are starting on Monday the 9th) with a crawl through a dozen Cary Grant movies, so called The Twelve…
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Chatting with my peeps over at the Sketching Forum and i came up with an alternate solution to my small portable Winsor Newton 1/2 pan traveling watercolor set. Combing through ebay turned up a lot of student watercolor sets that were perfectly viable, save for the junk paint.  So I picked…
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Meer, sky and water

By Sketches, Studies
I went out and went after sky and water studies in watercolor after finding those things to be the least convincing in my first outing.  Here are a selection of attempts. It's an interesting problem trying to figure out how to deal with water.  Watercolor is going to require a…
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Frieze 2014, best of show

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the Frieze 2014 NYC art fair was nearly as strong as its predecessors.  Always a lot to to take away.  A few quibbles.  But still easily the best art fair in New York. Here are my take-away paintings and sculptures... The Breeder Gallery in Athens, Greece had two strong showings…
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First Watercolor at the Meer

By Sketches
I've been threatening to make the conversion over to color sketches for some time.  This is the first real watercolor sketch from the meer, of the (now familiar) copse on the southern shore.  It's clearly emulating the vernacular of the ink washes.  And it should. Nice first step.  Definitely need…
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