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the Autumn of my Year

By Sketches
  September rolls in and the weather becomes confusing.  Thanks to a cool late-Summer, the leaves are trying to turn their color early.  Things are still green but the clock has started and the atmosphere is light and blustery. I got out twice this past week.  Consistently decent drawings are…
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Autumn Arrives at the Meer

By Sketches
I was fortunate to make it to the Meer twice this last week.  Once, en route to dinner downtown and with limited materials.  And the second time, yesterday for the end of Summer and the birth of Autumn.   With a couple of black pens and no water brush, I…
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A Year in the Woods*

By Sketches
It's been about a year now that I've actively been pursuing plein air studies.  To very good returns.  I manage 2-4 drawings per session.  Each drawing is between 30-40mins.  I have a cadre of tools that are familiar but all fawlty (it never ends).  I have locations that I like…
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Meer early August, 13.08.07

By Sketches
Welcome to the throes of early August.  The weather has been incredible for the past week or so. Hot off the marvels of the JS Sargent exhibition, there is a sense of openness and tactile bravado in the sketches. The first two are from a week ago.  At top, the…
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Verdant sketch updates

By Sketches
Welcome then to the dog days of Summer and an update from the sketchbooks from the past few months.  I think I've been out a handful of times, with mounting regularity.  Notably, the park has gotten much MUCH greener.  And so this first pairing is dense and luscious.  A silly…
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Digital Tree

By Sketches
Also last weekend, I was able to borrow a friend's ipad and used the Paper app to make this tree sketch from the Conservatory Garden at Central Park.  Lots of mass for this gnarled vine covered monster.  Baby's first digital picture...  I'm sure there's a virtual refrigerator that I can…
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Return to the Meer

By Sketches
I've been quiet for a few months because I've been getting up to speed on a new job.  A few months of homework are now abating and I've returned, like The Spring, to Central park.  There have been three days of sketching in the last two weeks.  Plus the grip…
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Painting Notes…

By Paintings
I celebrated my birthday a few weeks ago and after lunch treated myself to the Hudson River School painting exhibition at the New York Historical Society.  A modest show in a large hall.  Largely B paintings by the big names but a few stellar showings.  It's been a while since…
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Branding vs. Publishing

By Design
Notes on Branding and Publishing from the recent Brand Perfect event. Brand Perfect is an offshoot of Monotype.  They've been around for about 18 mos. and hold rotating events in a handful of major cities around the world.  Last week, they came through Manhattan for the second time and had…
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in process…

By Paintings
I've returned to the 2nd painting after a few weeks off.  Here's a snap of the bottom left hand corner.  Lots of Alizarin Crimson cooling off the shadows.  Generally building up the middle ground so that I can come over the top of it next.  
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She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

By Design
My friends at the Harlem Sound Project are having their third jamboree as a struggle between the pro-lovers and the anti-lovers for a Valentine's Cabaret at Harlem's Chipped Cup.  Kyra asked me to come up with an invitation.  So...   The photo/art illustration is a composite of a Pierre Paul…
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in process…

By Paintings
a couple of contemporary painters i like post details of work in process.  sort of violates the whole art-magic thing but it's a way of populating the site with more frequent updates and letting people know what i'm up to in my far distant corner of manhattan. here's a corner…
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