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Harlem Meer, 09.24.12

By September 25, 2012November 3rd, 2021Sketches

Had a hour or so of daylight after a midtown meeting.  Took the opportunity to push the ink wash work a bit forward.  I’ve been chatting a bit with Nathan Fowkes who has helped guide me to a better path.  I switched over to a thinner paper (stillman&birn alpha sketchbook) in order to try to pick the black off of the solids and create washes with a pen brush.  So, a couple of quick studies.  First, a different view of the island in the dying light.  Second, a view of the stone ledge on the point to the south of the lake… odd and dreamy.



Still wrestling with the dreadful mess of it all.

E. Tage Larsen
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  • Lawrence says:

    I’m enjoying these studies and sketches – but the top one looks a bit like a salad I just ate… or maybe I’m just hungry still… Keep up the work and the commenting – it’s interesting to see.

  • ld, you are officially my first respondent on this “blog”. thanks for the support and snark. but i guess if i’m getting “salad” out of you then i’m at least in the ballpark. đŸ™‚