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Early Sketchbooks vol.2

By Sketches, Uncategorized
In celebration of the October meme "Inktober" – a recognition for the art of inking or inkers, falling within the illustration and comics crowd – I thought I would share some sketchbook stuff.  I have always had a preference for ink and have thought that Inktober is a nice idea. …
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Eating X.Ray Burns

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I've spent 20 years of Sunday afternoons listening to the radio broadcast "The Glen Jones Radio Programme featuring X.Ray Burns", from WFMU at 91.1fm out of New Jersey, come rain or shine–including frigid Sundays listening in piles of snow on my roof, with my foot jiggling the antenna and drinking…
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Richard Pousette-Dart at Pace

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Pousette-Dart was the youngest of the big AbEx painters.  As such, he was able to live beyond the gravity of the hype and take that manic and energetic (action) painting and retreat into a sort of existential minimalism.  Pace Gallery, in one of its many Chelsea galleries, has created an…
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Chatting with my peeps over at the Sketching Forum and i came up with an alternate solution to my small portable Winsor Newton 1/2 pan traveling watercolor set. Combing through ebay turned up a lot of student watercolor sets that were perfectly viable, save for the junk paint.  So I picked…
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